Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Lecture and Annual General Body Meeting.

The Mumbai Branch of A.I.OT.A is conducting a lecture on  
Orthopaedic management and rehabilitation of common congenital deformities.
By Dr. Binoti  Sheth,
 (Associate professor, Orthopaedics, LTMMC & GH)

Details are as follows:
 Date: 28th January, 2014
 Venue: Medicine Seminar Hall, 1st floor ,College Bldg. ,LTMMC, Sion.
 Resource Person: Dr. Binoti Sheth
 Timing. 1pm to 2.30 pm.

The lecture will be followed by annual general body meeting of the branch.

Kindly make it convenient to attend.

Dr.Shilpshree Palsule.
Mumbai Branch Of All India
Occupational Therapist's Association.

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